Tips for Managing Stress in Pregnancy

Featuring Dr. Phil Uphold with ABQ Family Chiropractic

Parents can experience stress even in the most blissful pregnancies! From decision fatigue to jumping down the “Google Rabbit Hole”, there are many reasons why someone may experience stress in pregnancy. Dr. Phil Uphold of ABQ Family Chiropractic has noticed that his pregnant patients have been experiencing increased stress since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic last year. We know that experiencing prolonged levels of stress isn’t good for parents or their unborn babies, but what can be done about it?

Dr. Phil had this to share: 

Instead of feeling hopeless, take control and empower yourself and your baby. Nineteen years ago there was a baby boom. My son, Colt, was one of those 9/11 babies. He was born exactly 9 months after that horrific tragedy. I remember the uncertainty my wife and I felt during that time. Instead of feeding into it, we chose to learn more about birth. We sought out the best birth team for us and our birthing goals. I can’t describe to you what a pivotal role they played when my son was finally born. 


If you’re thinking of becoming pregnant, or you are pregnant, now is the time to act! Start with the end in mind: a safe, easy delivery, and a healthy, happy baby. Start by exercising as it has shown to be the greatest way to decrease the effects of stress. It does not have to be CrossFit or running a marathon, but start out simply by walking each day for 20 minutes. Spend time each morning in a good mindset - perhaps prayer and/or meditation for 10-20 minutes - whatever resonates with you. Get your thought process right for the day. Read empowering birthing books, listen to birthing podcasts, and eat a diet rich in vegetables and protein. 


One thing I see daily in my office with nearly all of my practice members is dehydration. It is so important that you are drinking enough water. Here is a simple rule to help you prevent dehydration: drink half your body weight in ounces. So, for example, if you weigh 150 lbs, your goal would be to drink a minimum of 75 ounces of water per day. Sleep is also a must; 8 hours every night will keep your battery running for the day. Think of your bed as a wireless charger for your body.  

For years at ABQ Family Chiropractic, we have specialized in caring for pregnant people and children. It is because of the effects of stress during pregnancy that we have dedicated our practice to this cause. Before COVID-19, we were focused on stress and the effects it has on the soon to be born. Now we are more committed than ever because if you change the beginning of the story, you can change the whole story….

You can learn more about Dr. Phil and his mission of Hope, Help, and Healthy Pregnancy at


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