Alexandra “Ally” Jacobs

I have worked alongside new families for over ten years as an early childhood teacher, respite care provider and parent educator, and getting to support parent-child dyads brings me the most joy. My passion for supporting families in infant feeding grew after the birth of my oldest child in 2019, when I experienced breastfeeding challenges, but lived in a rural town without access to an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Between being fascinated by what I was learning about human lactation, and a desire to increase access to support in my community, little did I know I was forging a path to my new career.

My professional journey started the following year, when I was awarded a scholarship from my local breastfeeding coalition to earn my Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) credential. After completing 45 hours of lactation education to become a CLC, I facilitated a peer-to-peer lactation support group in my
community for over two years before moving to Albuquerque in 2023. During those two years, I completed an additional 120 hours of lactation education and over 300 supervised clinical hours through UC San Diego and sat for board examination, earning my IBCLC credential in 2023. The IBCLC credential is the
highest certification and the only internationally recognized credential in the field of lactation.

My approach is informed by my background in human development & family studies and I value meeting parents & babies where they are at. To me, that means attentively listening to your unique wants and needs, creating an individualized care plan in collaboration with you and offering tailored information,
support and resources to help you meet your infant feeding goals. I have supported parents in human milk feeding prenatally through the toddler & preschool years, and am honored to be there for you and your family, wherever you may be at in your journey.