TRICaRE Insurance

We are proud to be in-network providers with TRICARE for birth doula & lactation services. If you are hoping to utilize these TRICARE Insurance benefits, we’ve created these easy guidelines for your review:

Effective for new clients starting December 1, 2022, NLBS will no longer bill TRICARE directly for Birth Doula or Lactation Services.

  • Below are the rates (as of 12/01/22) that TRICARE has stated they will pay:

    • For Birth Doula Clients, they will cover up to $842.27 to include prenatal, birth, and postpartum care.

    • For Lactation, they will cover up to $94.56 per visit

  • Please be aware that these rates are subject to change at TRICARE’s discretion alone.

  • After all care is completed, please submit the following form to request an itemized receipt for reimbursement through TRICARE.

Additionally, if you need financial assistance, please fill out our Community Support Program (CSP) Application. Our team will consider these applications on an individual basis and subsidized funding is not guaranteed.

We are happy to serve you!